Dental patient looking at mirror with big smile

Bright smiles start with skilled hands

Building a strong and safe oral health 
care system for all Canadians.

Dental assistant adjusting light

Our Profession

Dental Assistants in Canada are highly skilled professionals providing care as part of an integrated oral health care team.

People gathered in shape of tooth from birds eye view

Our Members

CDAA members are dental assistants from across Canada who belong to the provincial dental assisting associations in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland & Labrador. Dental assistants living in provinces and territories without organizational members are welcome to join as individual members. The Royal Canadian Dental Corps is also an organizational member.

Dental assistant smiling at patient during explanation

Our Community

Dental Assistants are part of an integrated healthcare team providing oral health care to patients.

Group of dental assistants smiling

Join us today and let’s spread those smiles far and wide!

Join Today



Celebrating our Future; Honouring our Past

Join us in Ottawa on November 22-23 as we introduce our plans for the future of the CDAA and launch the celebration events for our 80th anniversary in 2025.