People gathered in shape of tooth from birds eye view

Our Strategy


Serving as the leading national organization for dental assistants across Canada, focused on Standardization, Membership, and Communication, the CDAA has defined outcomes that will contribute to long-term sustainability and high performance.

Two women in consultation one with a binder taking notes


Working with our industry partners and member organizations, the CDAA will strive to ensure:

  1. Dental Assistants from every province and territory play an active role in the advancement of the profession.
  2. A minimum qualification standard is recognized across Canada.
  3. Dental Assistants have professional portability throughout Canada.


The CDAA is committed to transparent and open communication with its members ,  partners, and the general public. We will be successful when we have achieved the following outcomes:

  1. The CDAA is the recognized and well respected national voice for the profession.
  2. Members are well informed and engaged.
  3. The general public  will recognize, understand, and value the role of a dental assistant.
Group of dental assistants smiling
Group of diverse people in office space at table chatting


Keeping members at the forefront of our association will secure long-term sustainability.  The CDAA will engage in the necessary activities to ensure:

  1. Members value and take pride in membership.
  2. Members play an active role in the CDAA.
  3. There are strong and vital dental assisting associations representing every province and territory.
Group of dental assistants smiling

Interested in what you get
with a membership?

Our Memberships