Dental assistant with mask on smiling at patient

About us

Building a strong and safe oral health care system for all Canadians.

The Canadian Dental Assistants Association is proud to be the national voice for the dental assisting profession in Canada. 

We have a vision for a strong and safe oral health care system for all Canadians and strongly advocate for standardization across Canada to include education, qualification, scope of practice, regulation and licensure, health and safety, continuing education, and compensation. We work with our partners in oral health care, education providers, professional associations, services providers, and government agencies to effect change.

We are committed to contribute to this future through our mission of empowering dental assistants across Canada to advance the dental assisting profession through collaboration, advocacy, and leadership. By keeping our membership at the forefront, we are strategically focusing on national standardization, communication, and operational excellence, as we continue to provide education, training, and resources; conduct research; and foster meaningful relationships to ensure our voice is heard and respected.

Dental assistant smiling at patient during explanation

Our Story

Created in 1945, the Canadian Dental Assistants Association (CDAA) is primarily a federated model of association, and currently has 9 Member Organizations representing dental assistants in the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia , Saskatchewan and the Royal Canadian Dental Corps. Individual membership is available to dental assistants who are living and/or working in a province or territory where there is no Member Organization. The CDAA operates with a not-for-profit status and federal incorporation.


Contact Info

Canadian Dental Assistants’ Association
Suite 200, 440 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7X6

Telephone: 613-521-5495
Toll-Free: 1-800-345-5137


Board of Directors


Kelly Mansfield


Tabatha Blais

Manitoba Dental Assistants Association

Crystal Wall

Association of Alberta Dental Assistants

Brooke Dunham

Society of Saskatchewan Dental Assistants

CWO Susanne Richard-Wilson

Royal Canadian Dental Corps

Veronica Brown

Ontario Dental Assistants Association

Natalie Marsh

Vice President

Our Leadership

Leslie Ann Wirth

Leslie Ann Wirth

Executive Director

Dental Assistants in Canada are part of an integrated healthcare team that provides oral care to patients. While clinical jobs are found mainly in private practices, there are also opportunities found in hospitals , long term care facilities, health units. and other institutions.  While upward mobility is limited within clinical practice settings, many dental assistants expand their education and skills to become educators, work in sales, insurance, government and organized dentistry.